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  • A carefully curated collection of extraordinary wines from a world less known.

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  • A carefully curated collection of extraordinary wines from a world less known.

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  • A carefully curated collection of extraordinary wines from a world less known.

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Welcome to the wonderful world of wine

The Curious Curation of a Viticulturalist brings you some exciting and, most importantly, delicious wines from some surprising vineyards around the world.

Disillusioned with the same old wines from familiar regions, with somewhat hefty price tags, our Curious Curators set about on a mission; to find some of the world’s best, and largely undiscovered, wines offering excellent value. Not bogged down by stuffiness, our aim is simple – to take you on a voyage of discovery – delivering exceptional wines at pleasing prices directly to your door.

We invite you to join us in celebrating and exploring the wondrous world of wine.

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our Curious Curators

Wine drinkers have never had it better. The traditional wines from France, Italy and Spain are increasingly being challenged by high quality newcomers from all corners of the world. In the UK, much of the focus in recent years has been on the wines from the Southern Hemisphere, so developments in less famous European countries have, perhaps, gone unnoticed. And this is precisely what Curious Curation is here to address.

Our selections feature wines from countries as diverse as Armenia and Portugal, Croatia and Greece, Georgia and Turkey. And, the irony is, that most of these countries have historic winemaking traditions far older than France or Italy! They really have learned a thing or two along the way – producing wines that hold their own on the international stage whilst retaining flavours and characteristics all of their own. Some of the grape varieties you will have heard of……..most, you possibly won’t.

But, isn’t that part of the joy of wine? Allowing it to be a window into exotic flavours and cultures of countries that we might not have had a chance to visit for ourselves? Do join us on this journey of discovery and please share your thoughts once you’ve tasted the wines, so we know which countries and styles to delve into deeper in future.


Richard & Sarah
Find Out More
© 2025
 The curious Curation of a viticulturist | All rights reserved | No.12776814
Columba House, Adastral Park, Martlesham Heath, Suffolk IP5 3RE
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